If there is one things that really stands out in modern carp angling when compared to other fishing disciplines it's fish care. Luckily enough over the last couple of decades fish care and catch & release became more and more a common behaviour between every anglers, doesn't matter what species we are talking about, and this have certainly helped many waters to keep up against the dark side that is always behind the corner and ready to strike (I'm talking about pollution and poaching...).
Here at Forge Tackle we started to work on our carp care range around 8 months ago and today we are finally ready to show off the very first products landed in our warehouse. It's just a small assortment to start with, more products will be added in the future, but for the moment we believe we can offer a good range of products, each one with a very specific purpose.
Specimen Unhooking Mat

TS Unhooking Mat

Beanie Mat

Specimen Retention Sling Foldable
Retention Sling

Specimen Weigh Sling Foldable

Weigh Sling Classic